A review by heisereads
The Latte Rebellion by Sarah Jamila Stevenson


Review originally posted on Heise Reads & Recommends

I'm feeling a little bit mixed about this book. There are things I liked. I liked the premise with the social action elements related to mixed race students wanting others to be more accepting of them and acknowledging their uniqueness. I liked the strength of character Asha gains through the course of her senior year as she learns more about becoming involved in causes and staying true to oneself. I liked that she learned to speak for herself and be strong in her own ideals outside of what others may think of her. I liked that she learned the importance of having her own voice heard. I liked the elements of dealing with the realities of friendships at the end of high school-how they start to change based on what people want to do with their lives, as their priorities change, as they grow apart into their own people. I also liked the way the author chose to set up the story with telling chronologically what was happening, but having flash-forward moments to the disciplinary hearing that occurs at the end of the story, helping add tension and building suspense throughout.

Then there are some things I didn't like as much. I felt that the pacing just dragged on a little bit. At times I was trying to get through the book just to get to the end and on to the next one - which is unfortunate because I think there were strong messages in this book. However, I did feel like it read long. Asha narrates this story, so we're very much in her head as the reader. At times, that is helpful, but at times it got a little bit monotonous. Basically, I just wanted more action to be happening faster. The major events were good and I cared what would happen, I just wanted it all told to me sooner. I also felt that it wasn't as descriptive and engaging as I would like. In addition, there was a romantic interest subplot, but it fell a little flat for me. Overall, it is an okay book with a good message that I would recommend, just not needing to be moved to the top of your to be read pile.