A review by gypjet
Dark Vigil (Bandruí Chronicles Book 1) by Gary Piserchio


I really enjoyed this book. This is a dark fantasy story with Irish folklore, demons, and vampires. I was impressed with the new twist on the old folktales and the unique nature of the vampires.

The beginning is a little confusing, and it took me a minute to sort things out, but then the story really started to rock. Calico, the main character, is not happy with her family's mission. She thinks they are delusional. But when things go bad, she's ready to step up. I like her character. She is sassy and determined. She can really kick ass. Plus she makes some growth, but leaves a lot of room to grow more.

The story moved quickly and there was a lot of action. I wasn't ever bored, and although I wasn't up reading all night, I found the book to be interesting. Like all books, my metric on how good it is is will I read the sequel? The answer to that is yes!

If you like action, folklore, vampires, or just a fun read, pick this up!