A review by ashjreads
Clockwork Princess by Cassandra Clare


6/5 stars and I decided I get to break the system this time. AND I GET TO HAVE TWO QUOTES. I make the rules here.

"You hear that, James Carstairs? We are bound, you and I, over the divide of death, down through whatever generations may come. Forever."

“If there is a life after this one", he said, "let me meet you in it, James Carstairs.”

I must start this review by confessing that yes, I did read 491 pages of this book in one day. I would apologize but that would require me to be sorry. I don't think I have ever read that much of one book in a single day, this is a new record. I have literally never cried so many times and as hard as I did reading this book. I spent 5 minutes staring at the wall in silence after finishing it and then the next 30 minutes after that sobbing about what I had just read. Maybe I wouldn't have been so tortured if it wasn't for that brutal epilogue.

This is... probably the best book series I have ever read. I am being so serious. It has it all. Laughs, pain, plot, great pacing. If you read nothing else of the Shadowhunters, I feel that one should at least read the Infernal Devices. I am so serious. Alissa's gospel is not just one of nostalgia. TID are truly an amazing trilogy. (I am worried that the rest of the books that I have ahead of me will not be even close to as amazing as these were, but I must see it through at this point.)

There are times when you read/watch something and the characters that you love will stick with you for awhile. I really am going to be haunted by Tessa, Will, and Jem I think. Will... William Herondale.... I will not an essay here about how much I love him but you just need to know that I do. This is how he makes me feel, since I keep putting meme photos in these reviews lately:

I have never read a book with such amazingly written best friends. William and James, you two are truly parabatai and will always embody what that is supposed to mean. I am shaken to my core that the friendship between the two of them rattled me more than any romance in a book ever has.

Also, I love Tessa a lot. I have mentioned her mostly in my reading journal reviews of this since I didn't want this to be nonsense rambles and to be more concise thoughts... but I realized I hadn't mentioned her yet in any of these and needed to say it before I had to move on.

I think I need a business day before I can even think about reading another book. I am so serious.