A review by serru
The Cat Who Tailed a Thief by Lilian Jackson Braun


I was a huge fan of mystery novels back in middle school, and devoured many of The Cat Who... series, probably because I was initially attracted to their brightly coloured covers (I remember some of these looking practically neon). Reading one of these books years later, I can understand why I was so into them. They're quite easy to read, for one thing, and the cats are somewhat cute, even if I'm not an animal person at all. The plot of this one was fairly basic. In fact, there almost seemed to be not enough material in this one for a full novel that many little tidbits and anecdotes about Pickax's various inhabitants were included, a lot of which was just unnecessary background information about the main character and his relationship to the town and its people. Not a bad read, but I certainly won't be picking up any of these books again.