A review by aboutthatstory
You Really Got Me by Erika Kelly


I loved this so much! It was fantastic! A wonderful story with these great characters filled with so much passion. It was just an exciting read!

Emmie and Slater were excellent characters. Emmie Valencia, this girl. Wanting so much but having so many insecurities, trying to be strong and push through them. She's so sweet and smart, just a normal girl. I totally got her and understood her. Sometimes I wanted to shake her and say "you got this" but I could totally relate to why she held back at times. Slater Vaughn, this man. Oh goodness, he was fantastic. Talented, sexy, protective, and sweet. There were moments where Slater really showed how vulnerable he was and it made my heart melt. I loved the fact that this is from both of their POV’s, that’s one of my favorite things.

I love how Emmie and Slater were friends first and their relationship really grew and evolved from there. I could feel the build between them, it was so great to get all those different levels of emotion from them while they were fighting their feelings. It was a steady build that really grew and developed and it was timed perfectly. I kept getting tingly feelings in my body and my stomach flipped while reading because I could feel their connection. Together they had this undeniable passion that built and built and then bam! combustible! I loved their hotness together, just the perfect amount.

I was excited learning all the details and how things developed, I was hooked from the beginning! Besides Emmie and Slater, there was also the story about the band. I really liked all the guys and getting to know them. I loved the connection that Emmie had with her brother Derek and I’m excited that the next story is about him. I was into everything that was happening with the band and and the conflicts involved. Besides the passion, there was a lot of anxiety and tension. I got stressed out on more than one occasion. Not a fan of Piper Lee but she was a definitely a well written bad guy.

This was just a full wonderful story that was full of passion, had really good development, and awesome characters. Loved it!