A review by bulbasaurusthe7th
Fire Season by Stephen Blackmoore

DNF at 25%.

This just feels so indistinct. We are running the same circles (Vivian hates Eric and "never wants to see him again" even though she said that a million times and they still see each other again, Eric's Nazi gun just feeeeels so wrooooong, the same not friends thing with Gabriela), almost like no development is happening, and we are on book 4.
Of course, new mysteries are happening, but they are all buried under the same old, same old. Besides, even the mysteries feel kind of samey. No emotional involvement, just same murders that all feel the same.
We get a new character, called Letitia, whom Eric is supposed to already know, but we never met her before and she was never mentioned, just feels tacked on. Also, she doesn't sound in any way distinguished from the other characters.
I don't know why, but it all feels like a lot of the information about the world building is an afterthought that we get told about. Even the South American flare is mostly just the characters listing the names of the different gods. I can't help rolling my eyes when in this book Eric outright states "we are very diverse here!!!", like this is even more of an intentional thing. (Using Che Guevara as a way to say a character has a cool and badass persona is also a... choice.)

I think I gave this series a chance to draw me in. It never really happened.