A review by bucket
Cross Channel by Julian Barnes


I really enjoyed most of the stories in this collection, with just a few misses. They all feature Englanders in France - in time periods ranging from the 1700s to 2000-ish and everything in between. The thematic tie is basically just the experience of being non-French in France. Though the immigrant/alien experience is very prominent in some stories and completely absent in others. My favorites:

Interference - a dying and very selfish composer redeems himself in the eyes of his lover at the last possible moment.

Evermore - a woman mourns her brother who died in WWI in ways both touching and disturbing.

Hermitage - two women undertake to run a vineyard together.

I also liked Experiment (nephew digs into the truth of his uncle's dalliance with surrealists) and Dragons (reformation, protestant Pierre's life torn to shreds).