A review by meldav4
The Ophelia Girls by Jane Healey


There is no way that I am going to be able to write a review that this book deserves. I am not going to be able to come up with the wording to express the melancholic beauty and expertise evoked from the story and the writing. The writing itself was sophisticated, eloquent, and expressive. I savored every word written, I did not want to miss a single thing. I had the impression that each and every word was crafted with precision and thought, they deserved the attention from the reader that was put into them by the author.

I found myself immersed in the story, deeply engaged with the characters. And about those characters! The author created and portrayed her characters in such a way that they breathed life, I felt connected to them and felt such empathy and emotion. Sensitive topics are immersed throughout the book, but they were not excessive or detailed, they were tastefully and masterfully presented and positioned. This would be a perfect book to for a book club, or for anyone who likes to dig deeper into what they are reading, to be able to pull more from what is on the surface. There are so many topics that could be analyzed and discussed, and I would love to attend an event to listen to this author provide her own discussion on the background of writing this novel.

I was quite impressed with this novel for so many reasons. I highly recommend it!