A review by davehershey
Surprised by Hope: Rethinking Heaven, the Resurrection, and the Mission of the Church by N.T. Wright


NT Wright works hard to get across the point that the ultimate goal of Christianity is not to simply go to heaven when you die but rather to rise to new life, of which Jesus' resurrection is the "firstfruits" in a new heaven and new earth. Numerous biblical texts (1 Corinthians 15, Revelation 21-22, the gospel accounts of resurrection, etc.) teach this truth but have either been reinterpreted in much of modern (evangelical) Christianity to mean "going to heaven" or ignored in other parts of (liberal) Christianity because modern enlightened people know the dead do not rise (as if the ancients thought it was common!). The truth is that there is a "life after life after death" when heaven and earth are transformed and the glory of God covers creation as the water covers the sea. Rock on.

Wright does not stop there though. He shows how a vigorous belief in Jesus' resurrection and in the future resurrection of bodies and renewal of creation affects how we live in the present. When we get the theology right we have the best motivation for mission that encompasses justice, beauty and evangelism.

NT Wright is a favorite of mine and his books have taught me a lot and challenged me as a follower of Jesus. I highly recommend this book for pastors and other church leaders, as well as any Christians who enjoy a good read. If you are new to Wright a better place to start is probably Simply Christian or Evil and the Justice of God.