A review by kookie9200
Moral Compass by Danielle Steel


Thank you to the publisher and NetGalley for allowing me to review this book.

I had a lot of issues with this novel. In a new tradition with Steel's novels, one will be great and then the next feels like an afterthought. This is the afterthought.

My first problem was the first chapter or so were so laden with names and details that it was very easy to get lost. No one wants to be slapped in the face with 20 characters in the first few pages! It is nearly impossible to keep them straight.

My second problem was the massive repetition and stereotypical ideas. I get it, they were "good kids" and they would "never do this". Steel took every possible stereotype and threw them together, then tied it up with an unnecessary romance plotline that did nothing to serve the novel.

This was a kiss off to the "me too" movement, and in my opinion it wasn't well done. Steel has covered rape before in other books, and done so well. This was just a verbose load of sentences strung together that really didn't make an impact. I skipped whole pages of text because I didn't need to read it.