A review by pattydsf
Delancey: A Man, a Woman, a Restaurant, a Marriage by Molly Wizenberg


“While I sobbed into the greens, I wondered how Brandon, standing a few feet away at the pizza oven, could handle the onslaught of tickets. Answer: he's an East Coaster. In a pinch, he has access to such concepts as 'Fuck 'em', and 'Let 'em wait', and 'I'm working as fast as I can here.' I am a people-pleaser from Oklahoma, where life is placid enough that it's considered song-worthy to watch a hawk making lazy circles in the sky.”

I thoroughly enjoyed Wizenberg’s first book. (See my review here: https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/990850732) This book was fine and I am not sorry I read it. I just didn’t fall into this in the same way I did A Homemade Life. Maybe that is because I have gotten past my youthful desire to open a restaurant. For a brief time, I did want to serve food to people, but I concluded that my hospitality was better used in places where payment wasn’t vital.

I admire Wizenberg’s patience with all that her husband did as he created his restaurant, but I couldn’t have done it. In the long run, it seems like Delancy was a dream that turned into a nightmare.

If you are interested in opening a restaurant, this book will either make you run the other way, or convince you that your dream is a possibility. Either way, I would recommend you read it.