A review by aliasaurora
Flight of Sorcery and Shadow by Meg Cowley


This story just didn’t grab me.

This book, marketed as a fantasy romance, interweaves three completely separate tales, only one of which is remotely romantic, and none of them pay off by the end. Guess you have to read the whole damn series if you wanted there to be romance in your fantasy romance. I don’t like the narrative style wherein you are dragged through a plodding chapter which begins to build to something that might be exciting, only to cut away to the B- and C-plot each time. 75% of the way through this book, I realized that there’s no way the three tales were going to collide in any way, and I was correct. It ends on a cliffhanger for one of the MCs and a boring “waking up in the hospital and all is resolved” scene for the other 2 plot lines. I suspect that if you split up all three of these tales into their own books, it would become obvious that each plot is too short on its own, and not really interesting enough to keep you reading, so they must be interwoven and leave you on a cliffhanger so that you’ll maybe care enough about one of the characters to want to continue. But I don’t.