A review by laurapk
Cross Bones by Kathy Reichs


I would need to start by saying that Kathy Reichs got me into reading mystery novels. As a scientist conducting experiments that are sometimes used in a forensic lab, this series is highly entertaining and almost educational.
I've been reading the entire series up to this point, but for me this book somehow fell short.

Starting with the good points: Reichs created one of her best suspenseful moments before the ending in this book. None of her other endings kept me so glued to the book to find out what happened next. Additionally, I am glad to see her relationship with Ryan finally settling, and no more useless drama. I believe the author harbors quite some love for her male protagonist, because he sure writes him like he's the type you would want around. And also: (minor spoiler) finally a book where the protagonist doesn't get clubbed over the head, only to wake up in the hospital days letter and find out what happened. This time Tempe is active and involved and not helpless. As usual, Tempe has a very specific, fast paced humor (if you can say this), which I particularly enjoy.

But there were some clear negatives: As well as the ending built up, it burst like a cheap balloon. Reichs had a fetish for car chases in this novel, and they were all utterly unrealistic. Another fetish she brings back and has literally no meaning for the book in the end: her room gets ransacked yet again. For no reason. And Reichs once again packs a deluge of information in one chapter at the end, something I've never liked about her series. The novel wanted too much to be James Brown like. And I still haven't found out what was up with the two people who follow her at one point, it's like she forgot about them.

Overall an enjoyable read, but probably one of the least shining books in the series.