A review by sazana28
Reckoning by Lili St. Crow


Omfg!!! This book is personally my favorite out of the entire series!eeeeeppp! I swear I totally love that Dru admitted she loves Graves. He totally deserves someone to love him. I swear he is the awesomest guy! Team Graves all the way! Haha! But yeah, this book was just too crazy, and definitely more action- packed than the others. ^-^ I just love it so much, and I am definitely glad that they don't have to worry about Sergej anymore, but I am extremely sure that there will be more. I so hope Lily St. Crow comes up with another series for this book because I do not want this to end! I am just totally on cloud nine with the whole Graves/Dru romance going on. I want to see them together like a real couple, not him going to wolf rehab, and them missing the heck out of each other. *sigh* Oh well, I just hope she writes another book or something, because their story cannot just end like this, darn it. But I have to say I am satisfied about where it left off. I just want it to continue... ^_^ *giggle*