A review by bibliophilebynight
Graceling by Kristin Cashore


This book is totally not what I expected it to be and quite honestly, I loved it. It was awesome. Totally utterly awesome.

The story takes place in a world divided up into 7 kingdoms, with 7 kings. Each king have their own characteristics and run their kingdoms differently. I love how in this book you are introduced to a completely new world. This book is refreshingly non-magical if that makes sense to you guys. At the moment the in thing is the supernatural so its really good to come across a book that has little or no magic involved. The characters don't get out of situations through a swing of magic here, but by their own wit and power. There a types of people called the Graces. This people are born with enhanced abilities (for example, the Grace of Survival) and these people live throughout the 7 kingdoms. People are often wary of the Graced because some for example can read minds. They are identified by their mismatched coloured eyes. The main character in this story has one green eye and one blue.

The story follows Katsa, a Graced Killer (or so she thinks) who is under the control of her Uncle Randa (who is King of one of the 7 kingdoms). Along her journey she meets Prince Po who is in search of his Grandfather. The story unravels and plots are revealed and the story is just so good and really easy to follow.

I LOVE how Katsa character is just so independent and wants her life her own way. I also love the way the story ends with Katsa helping young girls learn how to fight. A feminist feel to the story I think. I'm kinda tired of seeing female characters as weak and so god damn needy (example: Twilight - don't get me wrong I like the series). But it's so great to have a female character that is so strong. I know most people will complain and say that she just comes across as a b**** the whole time. Well not every character is happy chappy the whole time and she can't be weak so nice and happy or she just wouldn't have realistically accomplished what she did in the book.

I think this book is awesome and I can't wait for the next book...keep you posted!