A review by snaze6
Defying Our Forever by Claudia Burgoa


The premise for this book intrigues me. The writing style is slightly different. The first half of the book covers several years which spans from their adorable meeting, points during the first year of their arrangement, their wedding and then separation. The last 50% of the book is when they move to Baker’s Creek and all the brothers start interacting.

While reading this book the a side character and subplot sounded so familiar, I actually stopped to double-check and realized it really was about Nyx from the author’s recently released book - Didn’t Expect You (Against All Odds #2). That book was the first I had read by this author, and I loved it.

This book about Pierce and Leyla has both POVs so you get a better understanding of what is really going on and why they are doing and acting how they are. For this story it really helps because both main characters are severely broken. What they put each other through, why they do it and how they eventually fight to stay together is a pretty amazing journey. As you learn more about what each of them had experienced prior to meeting, you better appreciate what it takes to make their relationship have a chance to succeed.

I will say having read Nyx’s book, Pierce’s assistant’s story, I felt like I had a much better understanding of how truly vile his mother and her side of Pierce’s family was. I had not read the prior two books in the Baker’s Creek Billionaires series before reading this book, so it can be read as a standalone without being lost. I will say I plan to go back and read the other brothers’ books because the brothers are each pretty unique and their storylines sound interesting.

I received an ARC from the author and am voluntarily leaving a review.