A review by anxiousarachnid
The Ill-Made Mute by Cecilia Dart-Thornton


Since this book has the word, "mute" in the title you would be correct in assuming that the writing in this book is far more focused on description than on dialogue. This is a style of writing that appeals to some people, and puts others off. Unfortunately, I fall into the latter camp. I am one of those terrible people who get irritated by lush descriptions of each tree our protagonists wander past, and so ended up skimming over paragraphs and paragraphs of Cecilia Dart-Thornton's hard work.

The writing feels like purple prose at its worst, but I'll be generous and say that perhaps it was done purposefully to emphasise the protagonist's lack if speech, rather than the author simply wanting to prove that she knows a lot of "fancy" words.