A review by crankyoldnerd
Implacable by Jack Campbell


This series, this entire character based around "Jack Black" strikes a huge chord with me.

We all have our historic heroes, regardless of what nation you grew up in, there is probably someone you admired. The entire premise of this entire series is a person who did a thing, gets frozen in time for 100 years, and re appears. The universe he left behind 100 years ago used his actions as some sort of super hero of the military, and built up everything around 'what would Black Jack do' and this guy has to live up to it.

This book is one of many in the series, but knowing the above you could read this book and it's probably to me one of the most inspiring ones of the entire series. Something I wish we could have happen now, something this angry world needs. Somone that would smack some sense into us just by their sheer 'you want me to do what now?' response to something we all feel is normal.

At the end of the day though, this is probably the strongest book in the multiple series built around the Lost Fleet series. I'm so happy I found it. I don't know if it's ending or not, but I hope for more of these just because I find them so well written, such compelling story telling, such compelling morality conflicts, just love this work.