A review by leland_hw
Mile 81 by Stephen King


Today on "Cooking With The Masters Of Horror"' we'll start with a closed and decaying rest area. Then add in a young boy abandoned by his older brother to go play with "the big kids". We'll finish up this delectable dish with 6 abandoned cars, 2 abandoned children, and one abandoned horse. Man! Doesn't Sai King use the best cookbook ever?

Why the cooking references? Well, some people may be into the raw food movement, but I prefer mine cooked. *grins* really, though you'll just have to read this wonderful little novelette to see what I mean!

While at first I was thinking it a pretty far-fetched idea for a story, I reminded myself that there is very little about supernatural horror that isn't far-fetched and then I fell head-long into loving the story. It reminds me to great extent of "The Raft", another favorite short from Uncle Stevie!