A review by jamesarosen
The Ministry for the Future by Kim Stanley Robinson


Aidan's review says most of what I want to: https://www.goodreads.com/user/show/106820648-aidan

Either the book didn't have an editor or KSR refused to listen to them. There are many times where a phrase gets repeated awkwardly in each of two or three subsequent paragraphs:

"They watched the wolverine family eat. It was a somewhat grisly business. The kits were playful in the usual style of youngsters."

and then in the next paragraph:

"Then these animals brought her back. The kits harassed their mom, played in the usual style of the young."

The anthropomorphized particle chapters read like the homework assignment of a sixth-grader who's really into science but has to write some poetry.

Who are the interviewer and interviewee we hear from a few times starting in chapter 17?

Why does the Janus Athena character exist? They contribute no ideas to the discussions.