A review by jimbowen0306
New York City by Regis St. Louis


Lonely Planet guides are one of my “go to” travel guide books, when I visit somewhere. They contain a good balance of “colour” and detail, without squeezing out one, by pushing the other too hard. Their city guides can focus too heavily maybe on the bigger/more glitzy tourist attractions, but unless you’ve visited a city a lot, and done those to death, there are worse places to start. By that stage, you probably don’t need a general travel book anyway.

This book is about New York, and it gives you a lot of information about whether a place is worth a visit, with all the major museums, attractions and sites covered in some detail, along with their opening times, and prices. This is probably what you need, when you first visit a place. It won’t give you as much information about the quirkier places to visit, but if that’s what you are looking for you might want to look for a more specialised travel guide.