A review by courtacademia
Category Jeremy by Elizabetta Holcomb


I love this story. I couldn’t put it down! Just when you think “Eh, I could stop here, one more page though..” and then BOOM! Plot twist. I have never read anything like it in all its glorious originality! It has very strong Sci Fi/Fantasy/Romance elements to it, and if you marginally like any of those genres, this book is for you!

I love all of the characters! They were written so well, it was very easy to become emotionally invested in all of them, even the ones you don’t really like. I personally don’t find it hard to follow a lot of characters, whereas my husband can’t even handle watching so many characters in the Game of Thrones series.

In the previous book, The Guardian, the focus was on the two main characters Elizabet and Jareth. In this second installment, there were many more diverse and intricately written characters! Oh, and everyone brings the sass. I love the sass. There were so many times that I could picture Jareth rolling his eyes at Jeremy’s teen angst. It was great. Teenagers. The rebellious angst. The abundant sass.

The story does have a main focus on the developing romance between Jeremy and Beau as well as the impending attacks from Dover’s enemies. Beau was such a brat half the time, but I loved her. She’s not a boring character, that’s for sure! There were some very angsty scenes, but I was really glad that these two characters had phenomenal communication to work things out! How refreshing! It seemed almost too responsible how mature they could be when they worked through their discord. I found a couple of their romantic teasing and Beau’s brattiness scenes a little long, but they were still cute. Overall, they were so adorable to read about. I loved their dynamic and how lovingly patient Jeremy was with her. It was both cheesy and heartwarming. What adorable lost little cinnamon buns, both of them.

I really appreciated the explanation of how the hosts are caused by different storms. I don’t recall it be explained very much in The Guardian, I may have missed it, but I do remember readers having questions about the host/guardian relationship and they were all answered! I love that the author kindly took her readers into consideration and provided them with information to better understand the story.

The plot was suspenseful and surprising. It caught me off guard at the end where it picks up very quickly. So much action! Deceit! Betrayal! A death (noooooooo)! More time traveling! Ah! So good! The author’s writing is so wonderful and it’s only getting better!

Final verdict: Solid 4 stars! The ending was the best!