A review by pause_theframe
Flying Away by Caroline A. Gill


This was such a unique read. It is very different from any of the other dystopian reads I have enjoyed. First off, flies. Exactly. Once you know what I cam talking about you will know why I couldn't stop reading because you will be the same.

The characters are brilliant. They have great personalities and really fill out a variety in the interaction. I loved the main character. She is strong, persistent and willing to take chances, throughout er journey. I found her interesting and full of spunk.

The story itself was really easy to get into. You had moments that left you guessing, wondering what was happening and what would happen next. You also had a lot of depth to really make it a read that you just had to continue.

Overall, I think this is a great book to check out, if you are into dystopian reads. It is fantastic, fun and really different.

**I received this book for free in exchange for my honest and unbiased opinion.