A review by indydriven
The Museum of You by Carys Bray


This was a great read with really really nice writing. Clover is a 12-year-old girl who lost her mother when she was just a few weeks old. Her father has raised her and done a fairly good job but he has not dealt with his grief from the death of Clover's mother. He is a little bit of a hoarder and has put all of Becky's personal items into a bedroom, shut the door and they have stayed there for 12 years. Clover has decided to spend her summer vacation by going through all of those belongings, itemizing them and making them into a little bit of a museum showcasing her mother. She plans on doing this while her father is out of the house at work and she wants to find out what her mother was really like. Her father is reluctant to talk about her mother because he is still filled with grief and so she is hoping by discovering who her mother is she might be able to determine who she will grow into. There are other characters in the book that play fairly large roles, for example there is Becky's brother who has mental health Issues, Clover's grandfather, and a potential girlfriend for Clover's dad. I gave this book A five star rating because it was well written, the story itself was very interesting, and all of the characters were extremely likable. The ending was fabulous and you just felt like you had spent several hours with some really nice people by the time I finished reading it.