A review by acitygirlsthoughts
Tell Me Everything by Cambria Brockman


Penguin Random House had a book recommendation session recently on Twitter, so I tweeted I want to read a dark academia novel set at college. They tweeted back this book as their rec, so I went ahead and borrowed it from my library.

This could've been a 5 star read if the characters weren't vapid and stupid. Yeah, the majority of 18 -21 year olds do stupid stuff like get drunk, do drugs, and hookup (according to Western media) but I find that trope overused and kind of insulting. I'm not trying to say I'm special but does EVERY "edgy" or rebellious person HAVE to participate in harmful acts in order to learn about themselves, especially if they went through something bad or traumatic? Malin HAS to participate in these acts because her stupid friends pressure her into it (and it doesn't help that the student culture at their college encourages it) when she could've told them to shut up and leave, but no! She's under duress! *insert sarcastic voice* Peer pressure is real but I would've loved to read at least ONE scene where she stands up for herself! Her "friends" are annoying; I wished she forgot about them and searched for one('s) who aren't self-destructive instead of staying with them. My other issue is that Malin's described as seductive - but she's really not