A review by vomiii
Real World by Natsuo Kirino


Natsuo Kirino you will ALWAYS be famous!!! I’ve been wanting to read this book ever since I finished OUT (the book that got me out of a several-year reading slump, thank you very much) and I could say this book immediately had me hooked.

4 girls who becomes interested in a teen killer on the loose? SEATED! Kirino is really, really good at writing character studies, so being able to get inside the mind of every character definitely kept me on my toes. Howeverrr, I feel like I didn’t really get to know either Terauchi or Yuzan as much as Toshi and Kirarin. They both had standoffish personalities (Terauchi’s character piqued my interest the most) so to see an opportunity of going more in depth being wasted was a bit disappointing. Then again, the intensity of the story made up for it.

Kirarin and Worm’s weird intimate dynamic was probably the best part of the book. I love when there’s unexpected sexual tension because I’m gonna eat it up every. single. time.

The turn of events was super sad and shocking but not surprising (besides Terauchi’s suicide woah). I actually wanted to see Worm’s POV when he was at the hospital and how he’d react knowing that his ass was finally busted. The satisfaction I’d feel would be euphoric.