A review by moonsunnie23
Sustained by Emma Chase


Such a good book, from a party girl to a ‘mother’ of six kids it a lot to ask from a person but Chelsea handles it as best as she can. Her and Jake’s first meet it’d probably say was love at first site, Jake just blends perfectly in the chaos but he can’t see that and for a man that has never really been in love or in a real committed relationship he deems himself underserving of Chelsea and the kids. But seeing Chelsea go on a date with someone else and mopping around so much it frustrates everyone working with him, they make him come to his senses and concludes that he is indeed deserving of them because he cares and knows all about Chelsea and the kids but he couldn’t even see that that was already loving them and being the person they need. I loved that they communicated with each other even tho they were mad and just how perfect they all mash together into a family.