A review by greenlivingaudioworm
Pony by R.J. Palacio


“Maybe life knows where it’s going before you do sometimes.”

I had really high hopes for this one and unfortunately, this book fell far short of my expectations. I had heard this book was different from [b:Wonder|11387515|Wonder (Wonder, #1)|R.J. Palacio|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1545695751l/11387515._SY75_.jpg|16319487] and I don't blame [a:R.J. Palacio|4859212|R.J. Palacio|https://s.gr-assets.com/assets/nophoto/user/u_50x66-632230dc9882b4352d753eedf9396530.png] for writing a book that is completely different from the masterpiece of Wonder. One of the things I loved most about Wonder was just how rich all of the different characters were - and we followed a variety of characters through the story of Wonder. I figured I would grow that much more attached to the main character, Silas, as he was the only perspective we got this story from.

Unfortunately, Silas was not a character I particularly cared about. I don't know if that's because this book was historical fiction (although I typically enjoy historical fiction) or what happened, but I found myself not really caring what happened to Silas. While his journey was certainly important to him, it didn't have the same sense of urgency I have felt in other historical fiction novels nor did it have the magic of letting the story unfold like Wonder did. Even as the story progressed, I kept expecting to feel some sort of connection with Silas but that never happened.

It seems I am in the minority of not particularly enjoying this story, so if you're curious to find out if this book is just as good as Wonder or if you'll enjoy Palacio's branching out into writing other genres, I encourage you to check this book out. For whatever reason, this book didn't work for me but I will definitely continue reading R.J. Palacio in the future.

TW: violence, death