A review by yodamom
Opal by Jennifer L. Armentrout


Deamon, the alien with troubles is still a sexy beast. Phew. Now he is Katy's sexy beast. He is the model boyfriend supportive, attentive, glows in the dark and did I mention he's a sexy beast. He call's her Kitten, purr. Their relationship is finally going forward with about a thousand interruptions. (somebody should learn to use a lock) He struggles with his distant brother and his need to get Beth, his girlfriend back from the evil bad. Then to make matter worse, several somebodies that nobody wanted to see again come back to town, and they bring nothing but trouble.
Katy's faced with her growing issues of troubles. Her BFF is no more, another friend is missing, her mother still loves Will, a turdwad comes back into her life, she is still a virgin and she's finally get's mad and stops being such a wimpy little victim. In the end she still trusted to much. She has not learned the fine art of communication. This girl could have saved herself so much pain if she just spoke up.
The rest of the characters ? Dee's pissy, Ash is Bitchy, Andrew didn't do much, Matthew didn't either. They faded into the back ground for me in this book. Except for two evil nasty, dirty, rotten, flesh bags of wasted space,that shall remain un-named.

GASP !-Last page thought * What, no way, really ? Holy black cave of horrors, stupid trusting idiots, twisted back stabbing turdwad, Why didn't you run faster...omg.* Ms. Arementrout, I hate/love you. You evil twisted cliffhanger writing goddess. It was a thrilling adventure, some beautiful moments finally happened, and then my heart was tossed out onto the highway !