A review by alikatson
Kiss of Steel by Bec McMaster


4.25 stars.

Hmm, I have a new sexy book boyfriend, Blade! He's hot, protective, and badass.

This book was great. I enjoyed the setting, an AU Victorian era steampunk London where most of the elite males are all slowly transitioning vampires.

Honora is an interesting character. We meet her as an older sister struggling to keep a roof above her family's head. She is brought to meet Blade, the man who runs the Whitechapel district, since her new home is the area under his protection.

They are both intrigued by one another and are quickly thrown together by danger and their growing feelings.

I liked Honora - she was very smart, I'm sure in another life she would have been a professor. She teaches young ladies to speak correctly, but it is obvious her true passion is continuing her father's work.

Blade was a great character. He started out quite mysterious but his tragic past and precarious current situation are soon revealed. He was really great to Honora and her family from the beginning of their acquaintance. Once they were together... *swoon*

I do wish there were a bit more steampunk elements, maybe the future books?

SpoilerOne of things that did bug me a bit was her willingness to take Blade's help, but she didn't give him any credit for quite some time and viewed him as a dangerous creature despite much evidence to the contrary. She was so uncertain once her feelings became clear. I get that she was worried to fall into wantonness but she was already his thrall at the time.

It took awhile but when they finally hooked up it was smoking hot. Yay!

The audio was pretty good - I liked everyone's voice except Blade who unfortunately sounded a bit like an old pirate who had smoked his entire life. I was able to roll with it, but I would have preferred something a bit more toned down.