A review by andrea_connors
The Fault in Our Stars by John Green


I have been waiting for this book for months, it has been on order for longer than I can remember and I can't ever remember being this excited for a book before in my life. All this excitement was not in vain though because this book surpassed all my expectations. From the very first moment I was sucked into the world of Hazel and Augustus and nothing else seemed to matter, which is what a good book should do. I found it scary at some points how Green could write so perfectly from the point of view of a 16 year old girl as I have thought many of the things that Hazel did, especially in connection with Augustus. Augustus is also one of the most perfect male characters in any book and I fell in love with him quicker than Hazel. The cancer aspect of the story was also very real to me as I have experienced cancer in my family more than a person should. I especially connected with Issac as he was blind in one eye and later had the second one removed as my brother also had cancer in his eye, causing the one to be removed. Through the story I laughed, I cried, and the words that were written touched my heart in a way that it is hard to do. I am so glad that I had the pleasure of reading this book and I am looking forward to reading it again and again for the rest of my life.