A review by beingsimba
The Raven's Revenge by Kevin Sands


I can't really believe it's over. For the large part of this novel I had lukewarm feelings but as we got to the end, I realized the book hangover and the love were real.

While not my favourite installment of the series, I still enjoyed The Raven's Revenge. Still adventurous and mysterious like the others. However I found the plot repetitive (as we know from the get-go what the end-game will be, it's very much solve this clue, find the next clue until we reach the conclusion.) I also found the character driven aspects are much more diminished in this installment. Finally (spoiler ahead)
I really don't know how I feel about the identity of The Raven. I guessed who it was but not WHO it was and the reveal made a couple of the previous books feel...  Cheap?

Although I talk more about what I didn't like than what I did, I give it four stars because these characters hold such a special place in my heart and even at the end of the journey, I couldn't be more grateful for them and the time we've spent together.