A review by _misty_
Born of Silence by Sherrilyn Kenyon


Literally saved by the ending, which is why I'm giving this book 3 stars and not 2.
It's not a bad book but after reading a lot of SK books, this feels "already seen", especially on the hero part: he's abused, had an horrible childhood and was repeatedly raped. (Nyk, Syn, Darling, probably Nero and some DH heroes, any other?).
The heroine is an idiot for what she does to Darling: I get that you're destroyed by your lover disappearance, but you're a leader. It's your responsibility to lead, and that includes checking on prisoners. She said she was convinced the prince had been let go! She never checked him once! What kind of leader does that? What kind of idiot?
It came to the point where I hoped Darling would kill her and screw the romance.
Of course, it didn't happen.
No, we have Darling trying for months and months to recover, angry, furious, full of hatred, but wow, he goes Prince Charming on Zayra the second day he has her in his palace. The second day!!! Talk about a U turn. And ok, he tells her he still hates her sometimes, he even thinks he does, but when they're together he always treats her with love, he cherises her.
That doesn't really sound hate to me.
Oh, and of course Zayra ended up pregnant. I wasn't expecting anything less, since it's happened in every book... ever heard of condoms? Birth control? And you know that not every unprotected intercourse leads to a pregnancy, even in the right days? The League sure doesn't suffer from underpopulation, there are babies everywhere!

Another thing: how comes the males always ends up raped but the females are always miraculously saved? Not that it's a bad thing, but after 5 books it stands out. In each one it's really stressed that rape is a very common abuse to female prisoners, and yet any time one of the heroine is taken captive, something happens and nobody touches them. Yay for them, but I feel bad for the poor males.

The ending is what saved this book for me. The big battle, the declaration of war, the awesome moment where Nyk, Caillen and Darling defied the League. Ok, they were stupid, but it was still awesome.