A review by randikaye
Across the Shores: Four Women, Bound by Generations, Find Love Where They Least Expect by Carolyn Miller, Angela K. Couch, Kelly J. Goshorn, Cara C. Putman


Review for Love Along the Shores by Cara Putnam

Cara Putnam is probably best known for her romantic suspense books, which I absolutely adore... but I'm definitely coming to find that she does historical fiction just as wonderfully as well. This novella was proof of that. I was drawn in right from the start, which isn't always the case for me with historic reads lately so that was certainly a plus. While it had some slower moments here and there, it kept a nice pace throughout that kept me reading on. There was a bit of a mystery, which I'd have liked to see resolved a little more... but I so enjoyed the sweet, slow romance of Lauren and John. While I probably could have enjoyed spending more time with these characters, I felt the story didn't feel rushed or incomplete as can happen on occasion with novellas. I enjoyed reading about a piece of WWII that I didn't know much about to start too.

Overall, I found this to be a quick and enjoyable read and one that fans of WWII fiction are sure to want to check out.

**I received a complimentary copy for consideration. All thoughts are my own.