A review by becandthebooks
After The Forest by Kell Woods

  • Diverse cast of characters? Yes


 Oh my goodness I want to eat this book up like one of Greta’s gingerbreads! The beautifully lyrical combination of writing and the narration by Esther Wane has me wanting to restart this audiobook again!

“After The Forest” follows Hans and Greta (Hansel and Gretel) approximately 15 years after they were imprisoned by the old crone in the forest. It explores what kind of a life they lived after such trauma, with sprinklings of Snow White & Rose Red, Rumpelstiltskin, magical beasts, witch trials and an unlikely romance.

Kell Woods writing is just stunning and Esther Wane’s voice performance was so complementary to this whimsical fairytale retelling! I will 100% be picking up what Kell Woods comes out with next!

Pure joy 💛 Off to bake gingerbread.


⚠️ TW: After reading some other reviews I’ve learnt that Chapter 25 is the chapter number with some descriptive animal cruelty (bearbaiting). Reviewers who skipped this chapter have said it didn’t hinder their experience. I listened to it and it was graphic, but it is also written for a different time and that’s how I tackle these situations personally. 

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