A review by elhiwe
Love of Country: A Hebridean Journey by Madeleine Bunting


This was not a page-turner in the typical sense (as evidenced by the embarrassing 11 times I had to renew it at the library), but it was certainly a haunting, pulling examination of the history, culture, and ecology of various islands in the Hebrides. At times, the history or physical descriptions of the land were dry, but the book was also rife with poetic descriptions that brought the land and sea to life. Descriptions of the Gaels' traditional worldview and way of life, coupled with the sad history and cultural turmoil faced over the last several hundred years, made my heart swell and break. I think this book gave real justice to the Gaelic people.

I have a particular appreciation for this given my own ancestral connection to these islands. I was fascinated to read about the places my ancestors lived, and the forces that brought them across the Atlantic. You can still see the influence of Gaelic values and culture in eastern Canada today.