A review by probablyytori
Find Me by Romily Bernard


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Wick is a computer hacker--a very good one at that. So when she gets a diary on her front doorstep that have the words "find me" written inside of it on a sticky note, that's exactly what she plans on doing. The journey belonged to a girl named Tessa Waye that Wick used to be friends with. Keyword used to be friends with.

Along Wick's journey to finding Tessa's killer (because of course this YA and a suicide can't actually just be a suicide. There's always a deeper meaning. Just FYI: I'm not hating. I'm just saying) she makes a few friends. Okay, just one friend. Griff. Let's start this review off with Griff.

One thing in particular really annoying me about Griff: he didn't really care about Wick. In Find Me he was supposed to care about Wick, but it really didn't seem like he did. First off, their first kiss was forced. Sure, Wick sort of wanted to kiss him (it was floating around her mind but she didn't straight out say kiss me now, Griff) but it was still forced. Not in a sense that she was raped, but in a sense that she was blackmailed. I didn't like that Griff had to blackmail her to get her to kiss him. Then there was the fact that he pined. This is an old technique in YA books, in my opinion. There's always that one guy that's been pining after a girl for the longest time... Now, this would've worked for me if Griff wasn't so confident once he actually got to know Wick.

Seriously. It took a week or two for Griff's confidence to suddenly spike after three years of "admiring from afar." That just didn't work for me. I just found Wick and Griff's romance to fall flat, and it really didn't do anything for me. There were a few aww moments, but I don't ship them. And I ship everyone.

There were a few instances where things (statements, mostly) were repeated or information didn't math up. For example, Wick says that Todd never called her 'Wick' when in fact he called her 'Wick' a few paragrpahs earlier. At first this tripped me up, but eventually it just annoyed me. It was on the same page. Come on.

Now let's talk about suspects for Tessa's murder. I have to admit I was confused and genuinely in the gray area as to who the killer was...for about the first third of the book. There's just this part that makes everything so obvious. There's several parts actually. But at first I suspected Carson, the detective. But once I noticed the thinly veiled foreshadowing, I realized that Carson was the obvious choice, and that's why I thought it was him. Hell, I even suspected Griff at one point or another. I kind of wanted it to be Griff. It would've been so perfect. I don't know. Carson just gave me the chills. (The blurb for the sequel to this book. Oh my god. There are so many things that can go wrong with it, but it sounds so good. I can't wait. Seriously. Okay, I've gotten sidetracked.)

Dad was in charge of everything. Norcut says that was probably why my mom jumoed. She thought she'd never get control of her life again, and suicide was the only choice she had left that didn't involved him.

I think it's nice that Norcut has an explanation for everything. Ever since that little comment, I've been pouring coffee into her office orchids. We'll see if she can explain why they all die.

I thoroughly enjoyed Wick's character. She was hilarious, I thought. She had the right amount of humor and sarcasm to keep me entertained for the whole book. She's probably my favorite character other than Carson, who--although is creepy--is really interesting to read about.

"Because you have an answer for everyting." Carson pulls a little clsoer, and I have to stab my feet into the hardwood floor to stand my ground. "You see, nice girls don't. They dont' kno whwo to work law enforcement or social services because they've never been in them. Trash like you always has an answer.

Overall, this book was entertaining and exciting. It's not extremely thrilling or anything, but it's a fairly easy read. The hacking wasn't too in-depth and Wick wasn't a "hacking genius" but I liked the plot, and I thought the pace was alright. I'm not overly excited about this book, but I don't not like it either (oops, double negatives). I probably won't be reading it again, but I'm definitely picking up the second book that comes out next year, Remember Me.

Definitely worth the read!

People hate silence. They will, almost always, fill it up.