A review by readingvicariously
The Raven by Jonathan Janz


Basically the earth is overrun by creatures from myth and folklore after that a group of scientists thought it would be a good idea to trigger dormant monster DNA in humans. In this post apocalyptic hellscape humans are in the minority, and Dez McClane is one of the few left trying to survive in a world of werewolves, vampires, cannibals, and other monstrosities. Dez is facing all odds to find his wife, and along the way he comes across many colorful characters, even teaming up with a few by the end.

So I’m COMPLETELY onboard just from the premise (the whole post-apocalyptic monster world thing), but then Janz goes in with the quality writing, interesting well-developed characters, and top notch action/suspense and this became a book I read voraciously. Like I was on vacation and I just wanted to ignore everyone and read. It didn’t take but till page 40 that I knew I had something special in my hands. So many memorable characters and scenes, and so many cool ideas!

Apart from the obvious monsters, I love the idea that Latents are still out there, meaning anyone could at any moment turn into something crazy (which does indeed happen in the balls-to-the-wall insane climax of the book). There’s also plenty of suspense, brutal violence, and well-balanced humor throughout. I’m seriously trying to avoid writing this like a gushing fanboy, and likely failing. I just enjoyed this book so much!! It’s also set up perfectly for a sequel, so I’m gonna need @jonathan.janz to hurry up with that