A review by loram
Heirs of Empire by Evan Currie


The premise in the book description is:

"When the trusted General Corian launches a coup against Emperor Scourwind, he hurls the planetary kingdom into chaos. To secure his claim as ruler, Corian will need the strength of the Scourwind name behind him, and he will stop at nothing to bring under his grasp the young Scourwind heirs, twins Lydia and Brennan. Barely into adulthood, the two are thrust into the crossfire."

I found this story a strange combination of a medieval fantasy feel with knights & swords and futuristic elements, like in Star Wars. At first I thought this was an interesting way to present an SFF story, but after about 10% of the book it just wasn't working for me. Things kept feeling out of place. I still gave it 4 stars because the writing is good and the story flows well, but I think it would appeal more to readers who enjoy a more military element to the Fantasy than I do.

There is plenty of action and adventure, and following one of the main characters, Mira, as she crossed high mountains in difficult conditions held my attention for a while. Good characterization and a constantly moving plot, but a little too much like what I call 'boys stories' for my personal taste.