A review by philibin
Jam by Yahtzee Croshaw


(1.30 Stars)

I didn't "hate" it, but I also didn't like it.

It was like taking Lord of the Flies, mixing it with SyFy's Z-Nation, shaking a little bit of the worst espionage movie you've ever seen and then sandwiching it (yes, pun intended) between characters that are totally unlikable, completely unrealistic, and have zero personality ... but, the premise is original... kind-of.

Also, repeatedly mentioning that "black and brown" people are treated differently, without any social commentary or revelation is a really weird flex.

I really wanted to like this book, as the author was highly recommended. This is the second book I've tried by him, and I don't think there will be a third. Unless it is to complete the series started in the first book I read. But that's more on me, because I am a "completionist", and not on the quality of the series itself.

Both books I read were audiobook editions and read by the author.