A review by _christinacreads
Obsidian Feathers by N. Cáceres


DNF at 40%
Unfortunately this wasn’t for me. I might try to go back to this later on since all my friends enjoyed this very much. However. She just went from one abusive situation to another and after a certain point I just wasn’t having a good time anymore. There didn’t seem to be a balance between the promise of finding herself and the repeated variations of abuse she suffered. Yes, maybe the end will justify the journey but at the moment, it’s really not working or making sense to me, especially as someone who has suffered similarly before.

It is written well, and I very very much enjoy the lore and the setting. But I do think that there’s a difference between dark characters and straight up abusive men. Leaving her tied up and confused and practically bleeding to death just cause he’s angry? Using her, cumming, then abandoning her right after sex? Throwing not only her birth control and ADHD pills cause he didn’t like how it smells? Yes he’s an asshole and we’re not supposed to like him… but I really do think there needs to be more of a balance between all the elements for his assholeness to work for me.

I 100% see the foreshadowing and I can easily predict where the plot is going… but to me seeing her going from loss of mental autonomy with her family to yet another extremely abusive partner with no space that she can call safe reads just very off for me. Perhaps the last 60% will redeem itself but I’ve already spent hours reading this and I’m not sure I want to spend another 5 seeing if the end is worth it.

Usually there’s a light peeking through past all the darkness which makes dark romances enjoyable to me but there’s nothing here. All I’ve read so far is the many ways this girl can suffer variations of abuse by different people.