A review by loveverythingbooks
Until Trevor by Aurora Rose Reynolds

Did not finish book.
I have read around 70 paranormal romance books. So when I say that a fictional man is possessive and agressive to the extend that it's disturbing, it's BAD. That "I love you" scene was a mess. I have no idea how this even belongs in a romance novel. His remorse means nothing if he doesn't have any character development to back it up. Almost DNF'ed right then.

Yet I continued. WHYYY?

I came to a point in the book where I didn't feel like I was interested in anything else that could possibly happen from that point on. So I ended up DNF'ing at about 60%. It didn't suck all the way through but it also just wasn't very good. Ergo, 2 stars.

And again with the kangaroo-style writing. What is up with that?

PS: the enormous emphasis on kids is freaking me out.