A review by schomj
Between The Lines by Jayne Ann Krentz


3.5 stars

I'm not sure why, but I really like marriage of convenience stories, especially when they provide time in the story for the characters to develop a relationship and get to know and care for each other. The sexual politics were a little old-fashioned at times ("conjugal duties") but it was written 25 years ago and is less regressive than some of the stuff I see on tv now (*cough*GOP primaries*cough*).

Anyway, it's surprisingly sweet and generally funny thanks to the banter about cowboy poetry that runs throughout.

I liked both characters and I liked that while Grayson knew he wanted to be with Amber early on, he respected her boundaries and went out of his way not to make her feel pressured or coerced. I also liked how they expressed their needs and desires and listened to each other (except for the "suspense" thing at the end... but that whole plot point was kind of goofy).

Overall, if you're interested in JAK's early works, this would be a good one to start with.