A review by fruitcakecadaver
The Legend of Drizzt 25th Anniversary Edition, Book I by R.A. Salvatore


Since this is a 3 in 1 I would give it altogether a 3.5 rating BUT I really liked the first two books and the end of the last one!

Homeland: Arguably the best out of the three. Sets up Drizzt’s life and gives the reasoning behind how he thinks the way he does. The setting is fun and dark and the characters are powerful and are individuals. The writing is easy to follow and it felt wholesome in a sense that Drizzt was one of the only good elves in Menzoberanzzan.

Exile: It’s nice to see Drizzt starting to break free and find who he truly is. While there were definitely lulls in the plot of this book, there were parts that made up for it such as Belwar and Clacker and them eventually stumbling into a situation that seemed impossible to get out of.

Sojourn: This book just seemed lacking compared to the first two. It didn’t feel like it hard a major climax, just small battles throughout. Drizzt also felt guilt for many things and it really just made me want to slap him to get him to snap out of it and just start moving!! Mooshie and Hooter were such friends and the grove sounded like a beautiful makeshift woodland home, but Salvatore’s writing never seems to focus on imagery which is a terrible shame. Especially in an environment as fantastical as Faerûn. This book really just felt like fluff to fill the time it took Drizzt to make it to Icewind Dale (which was the highlight of this book, because he finally made it to the place he would call home... hopefully.)