A review by kmbooks
Out of My Mind by Sharon M. Draper


Before I begin this review I do want to point out that besides the fact that I put this as 5 stars and put it in my Favorites shelf, I do find some parts of the book unnecessary and not written as great as it could’ve. Ready? Let’s begin.


Let’s start with the bad. First off, the accident towards the end was completely unnecessary. It did almost nothing to the plot except cause a bit (just a bit) of melodrama. Next, the antagonists of this story (Molly, Claire, etc.) were completely one dimensional. Draper could have given us a reason as to why they act so mean and explain their side of the story a bit. It would’ve been nice for Draper to provide us a chance to like or dislike the antagonists.

Now that we got that out of the way let’s move onto the good parts. This book definitely gave me all the feels. Happy, sad, anxious, angry, etc. For a middle grade book I am quite surprised that so many emotions could be fit inside this 295 page book. I definitely feel that this should be read with all kids so that they understand what it’s like to be special needs and so that they know that there is more to a person than what meets the eyes. Next, I found Penny to absolutely ADORABLE