A review by krayfish1
Mazes of Power by Juliette Wade


CN: There's a highly contagious fever running amok in the book. Deadly mainly only to the inbred rich folks (who are the main characters). This may affect your choice on whether to read the book in the middle of a pandemic. I thought it was okay, but YMMV.

The three POV characters are Tagaret, Nekantor and Aloran. Tagaret is a little boring, though I think he's supposed to be the good one? He's very focused on getting the girl and searching for meaning outside of what his society taught him. Nekantor is an asshole, but weirdly relatable to me -- he knows what he wants and how to get it, but he frequently stumbles in the execution of the plan due to OCD. The cause is different, but the argh I had a perfect plan and now it's going a little haywire because of how my body is reacting should be familiar to anyone who's ever had stage fright or similar. Aloran is highly competent and stupidly loyal, which is such a trope-y character, and I like it.