A review by nicspears
Je Suis à Toi by Pepper Winters


**ARC provided in exchange for an honest review**

Oh how I have loved being back in Q and Tess's world with this final addiction to The Monsters In The Dark series.
I fell in love with them from the first moment I read Tears Of Tess and it had just grown and grown with each book released. And this added novella has just been the icing on the cake for me.

We have watched this complex couple overcome so much over the series, from extreme highs to the devastating lows. You would think they deserved a calm and stable life now...but Q is keeping something from Tess. She knows it and won't stop until she uncovers what is troubling her husband.

However, with truth comes a new level of protectiveness from Q that overall sees him putting the chains on the 'beast', and the intensity that is Q and Tess's sexual relationship.
She's not about to let that happen.
Will she succeed? Or will she lose who her husband truly is?

I absolutely loved this book. I really did.
We seen different sides to Q and Tess that we haven't really seen before. Tess is definitely a lot stronger and dominant when it comes to Q and the battle he has with himself.

"She was more than my lover, my best friend, and partner. She was the blood in my heart, the breath in my lungs, the fucking marrow in my bones. Without her, I wouldn't exist. Without her, my body would be nothingness: no heartbeats, no mind, no man...no animal."

I love Pepper's writing. She has this uncanny ability to write complex and heartbreaking stories that will grab you by the throat and leave you gasping for a breath. She show us that everyone deserves to find love and a happily ever after..even the 'monsters in the dark'.

This is definitely a series that needs to devoured and treasured for years after.

I'm sad that the series is completely over, but I couldn't have asked for a better ending to Q and Tess. They deserved this ending, and the happiness that comes with it.