A review by beergeekgirl
Struts & Frets by Jon Skovron


Based on a publisher provided ARC.

Fun story. Although I felt a little dumb that it took me until the "Caring Is Creepy" chapter to realize all of the chapter titles were song titles.

Many times when ARCs come in, I give them directly to my students and ask them for their reviews. I really should start reading them myself. This has been sitting on my ARC shelf for almost two years. This was a delightful break from dystopia and some of the heavier books I've been reading. I liked the extra dimension given to Joe and the nice little twist at the end involving Jen5's dad (and, as someone born in the Love Story era where every other girl is named Jennifer Lynn, I loved the etymology of Jen5). I especially liked how, even though you could see where things were going to end up, there wasn't a rush to get there. Skovron let his characters take their time to find their place.

Why I picked it up: As part of the Best of the Best challenge from the Popular Paperbacks Top Ten.

Why I finished it: I really wanted to know where Tragedy of Wisdom was going to end up. I also loved the side story with his grandfather.

I'd give this book to: Chris D and Jake, who I think would like the band aspect to the story.