A review by puddingtaco
Dark Apprentice by Kevin J. Anderson


I was recommended the Jedi Academy Trilogy as a good Luke Skywalker story. He did pretty well in the first book, though the focus was hardly locked onto him. In this book, there is, like a bit more focus on the burgeoning group of Jedi hopefuls. And then some focus on Ackbar, because... who knows. Oh, and love interest for Wedge, because that is worth anyone's time. Luke apparently has no powers to sense the Dark Side screwing with his students whatsoever. And when it happens once, he just goes ahead and let's it happen again because he's completely inept. I sound like I am rating this low because I don't like the outcome. It's not that the book was written badly. I was in love with Kyp. WAS. Even the parts about all the other characters went well, much better than the last book. But, gosh darn, I refuse to believe that Luke freaking Skywalker just really sucks at being a Jedi Master. I suppose it could be true, but then what was the point of telling me how amazing he was throughout three movies? Will he redeem himself in the next book? I suppose I will read to find out, but I was really let down by this one.