A review by ellipsiscool
Bloodline by Claudia Gray


As far as Star Wars books go "Bloodline" is top of the line. Claudia Gray writes an intimate portrait of Leia Organa as she deals with the failing politics of the New Republic while uncovering some shady operations which turn out to be the beginning of the First Order.

I have fallen in love with Leia. She is a powerful, smart woman who is uncompromisingly herself in all situations. She is not perfect either. She's flawed in ways that we are all flawed and I love her more for it. Gray even fleshes out Leia's backstory a bit with memories of her childhood on Alderaan and it's not the least bit cheesy or contrived.

The Ransolm Castarfo character is also wonderfully developed and interesting. I also enjoyed being embroiled in the failing senate politics that allowed for the First Order to take hold. This is an excellent precursor to the Force Awakens.